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185 rue Archambault

Hull, Québec, J8Y 5E3





Admin Assistant - Kathryn Libert

Academic Advisor - Trisha Willcott

Exam Co-ordinator - Amanda Steinberg

Consultant - Martyn Bryant

Director - Scott Cavers

Assistant Director - Sheldon Macgillivray

Community Partners

Regional Association of west quebecers

First established in 1982, RAWQ is a not-for-profit association dedicated to serving and supporting the minority English-speaking community (ESC) in the Outaouais. It plays a significant role in initiatives that support the ESC in the Outaouais by means of advocacy, networking, information and programs for youth, seniors and more.

Western quebec literacy council

Is to help English-speaking adults, families and youth improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking, numeracy and other life skills through programs adapted to the needs of the individual. As a charitable volunteer organization, Western Quebec Literacy council recruits and trains committed volunteers as tutor and support personnel. We are dedicated to promoting community awareness with sensitivity throughout the region of West Quebec.

Le Carrefour Jeunesse L'emploi de l'Outaouais 

Le Carrefour jeunesse emploi de l’Outaouais (CJEO) est un organisme communautaire engagé auprès des personnes majoritairement âgées de 16 à 35 ans qui veulent cheminer vers l’emploi, les études, l’entrepreneuriat ou réaliser un projet d’avenir. Notre impact est déterminant pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie.



​Connexions links the English-speaking community of the Outaouais to health and social services

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